I'll start this blog by saying that, I have no idea why I opened this blogspot in the first place, and probably no one is reading it, but I think that i need a place to express myself! tell u my deepest, darkest secrets. Naaah, lol i just need to practice my "English"! Yes, english is my second language. Since I started attending Kuwait university, my english started to fade! I started to panic! I studied this language more than 12 years! and i'm not willing to let all that just slip away that easily! anyways, enough of the blabbering!
I'm a girl, or a woman, whatever! That's not the point, I'm a female from a country of show offs! Kuwait, don't get me wrong, i love my country and i like showing off lol. But if i'm writing a blog, might as well write something true, don't u think? Anyways, Kuwait is in the middle east, beside our beloved neighbours Saudi Arabia. All the countries pretty much hate us for some reason, i really don't know why? That's a question I'll try to find out soon, and write about in my later blogs. From what i see, Kuwaities are pretty kind! okay, they can be a pain in the a** sometimes or most of the time, they might think they're better than everyone! but deep down they like to help! trust me they do! enough about kuwait now.
About me, I have intersers like all people i guess. I love drawing, sketching and stuff. I entered an Art compitition in the SAS Hotel, I didn't win but i was runner up though. It actually felt good to be a runner up in my first attempt! Although i wanted more, i guess we shouldn't be greedy about stuff, we just need to accept things the way they are and think that things happen for a good cause. Then i found myself doing good with photoshop, and i liked it! I started doing logos for companies, assosiations, and groups.
As for where i study, i'm an Engineering student in Kuwait Univesity. Not much things to say here exept that i hate it! I really, really, really HATE IT! Not the major, no! The University just sucks! that would be a another blog! I mean seriousley, there's alot of hate to that university lol, and i need to TALK ppl ;p!
So i think that about sums up who, what, where i am! see you soon in my other blogs, I hope i didn't bore anyone with my life story, Not so interesing i know lol, but that's what i've got right now.