Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, is a book that i wasn't planning to read if it wasn't for my whining sister. I'm not much of a reader at all, unlike my sister who reads anything on paper, scratch that, she reads anything period. She started bugging me over and over again "Taraa hal kitaaaab 3ajeeeb, wallah wallah igreeeh!" and I would ignore her until I got fed up with the nagging! I took the book and promised to read it, that day I opened the book and started reading, I couldn't stop, I kept on reading and reading. At the back of the book it describes the book as "Deeply seductive and extraordinarily suspenseful, Twilight is a love story with bite." and people it's so true! I didn't finish reading the story yet, but I can tell u one fact, I'm in love with the character Edward Cullen! yeah yeah I know he's a fictional character, so that makes two fictional characters that I'm obsessed with, sponge bob square pants and Edward Cullen. Now I can see why it was given the title "Best book of the Decade"! You guys should read it.
Ps: I DID NOT FINISH THE BOOK! so, if anyone did read it, please don't say anything about what's gonna happen ;p
this is like the 3rd time i hear about this book. Baro7 ashitri bachir..Oo bagraa.khalas you convinced me !!
feni naq9 7ub o 7anan fa it better e3awithni :P !
in the end of the book, they eat that apple!!!
seriously though, sounds intriguing. if i have time i might get it!
omg .. you too ??? no waay i have to have it
this's like the million time i hear some one who's really liked it !!
I really want that book so bad O.o"
where did you got it .. or your sis .. i need it
i've heard so so so many things about this book and how great it is and i really want to read it !!!
hope u have nice time reading it ~
c ya !!
mmm I am not a book person!
meticulous: loooool yeah do that! tell me what u think ;p
Seattle dude: oooooh maaaan u had to ruin the ending didn't u! ;p jk lol yeah buy it ;p
Dark d: loool i think she got it from jareer, but i'm not really sure. thanks ;*
amu: lol neither am I
مبروك افتتاح المدونة :)
عاد انا ماحب المدونات الى بالانجليزى سنة على ماافهم المكتوب :)
Everyone keeps telling me about this book ! I Have to get it I guess. Yesterday 2 people told me about it and hnee even on the front page of the newspaper kanaw katbeen 3anna ! Must be awesome !
kazmawy: lol thanks for dropping by
Mar8adoosh: yeah it's awesome so far ;)
Mee too kila I hear abt it!!
bs Lazim I buy it !!
Yeah mara7 tit7asifain ;)
OmG, my 3 sisters read it o0 nafs elshay 7anaw 3alai agraa!
o garaw el 2 other books after it.
what is it w/ EDward? thats all i hear about!
im still reading "Burnt Toast" maL Teri Hatcher,, hal bnaya etha7ek.
Yeah my sis read the two books after it, and now she's reading the 4th part! the book just keeps u interested with what's going to happen..
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