First, 3eeeeeeeeedkom Imbaraaaaaak! 3asakom Min iL 3aydeen o il Fayzeen Inshallah ;**
Second, il za7ma ilyooooooom bil jam3iya "MO 9IJ" (ma7ib il word) bas 9ij wallah it's amazing, awal mara ashoof chithy .. imagine i got out of the house at 8:45 and didn't get back home ila at 9:49! The shari3 wasn't moving .. take a look ..
And yes, I was going the wrong side ;$ only because the other line was JAMMED! man.. I'm home finally .. now I need to get ready for bacher .. see ya all soon ;*
everybody is starving maaan !=p
have fuun bachir w ayamich s3eeda=*
2edech embarak.. enjoy it :)
عيدج مبارك وتقبل الله طاعتج
من العايدين الفايزين ان شالله :)
كثر خيرج بس هذا انا طالع من ال7 وتوني توني راد البيت شرايج :\
جيكي على الايميل :)
be grateful. took me two hours!
3eedich mbarak dear :)
and btw I loovee ur stamps..I support vampires<3!!
ughhh Edward!!!=* =p
ayaaaaamich sa3eeeda !
Oo its ok twice i went wrong way eb nafs el mukan !!
Oo goodluck getting readyy ! :P
Noonie: loool yeah edward <33!
zamahreer: ayamik sa3eeda :D
mo3ath: Mina o minik .. Ayamik sa3eeda .. baaaih ;/ za7maaa!
dandoon: ayamich sa3eeda ;D
meti: loool thansk sweety .. eeeh we have to do that shinsawe ;/
I think I know this jam3iya, its in Yarmouk. I was there that day "same time", bas ilza7ma mo 3ashan iljam3iya o daleelich ina il parking fathee bas kan fi 3aza ib q63a 3 o yaay Shaikh Subah Al-Ahmed 3ashan chithee share3 iljam3iya kan wagf.
o bas..
ooooh that what it was a 3aza? man that explains it ..
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