Monday, October 6, 2008

All For Nothing

BOO! Hey all.. So I've been going to jam3a for 2 days know since we started and none of the doctors came so it's all just for nothing.. the only thing i got out of all this was seeing my friends after the long vacation.. My day in pics..?
Oh yeah today I just have one lecture and it's in Kaifan.. lol I had to take an elective it's "Thaqafa Islamiya" and in Sharee3a! It took us half an hour to find the class.. my friend and I got a lot of the from head to toe look! we didn't care ;D The doctor didn't come .. that's a surprise ;p
So we descided to get some juice from kaifan .. look at the za7ma there!

Anyways we went back to khaldiya, we didn't find a parking spot.. that's something new not, we ended up parking in different places, S parked beside the fir3 and I parked way back of the parking lot.. when it came to the end of the day we had to walk all they way in that hot wheather with our high heals .. man that gave us a flash back of the first year ;p

so that's it for now i guess.. when will winter come? I'm craving a vanilla late with the cold freezing wheather ;D


Anonymous said...

vanilla late, hmmm i should try this! ;)

rencontrer Pauline said...

oh so crowd ! yea can't wait for the winter too

Journal Entries said...

i've always heard about 3a9eer kaifan but never tried it.. is it that good?!

doona said...

i hate this year :(

ARTFUL said...

lo allah yfkom mn alk3ooob entao

'3a9eb 6wal??!!

la t3almin e5ti talbs k3ooob!!!

ok e5t q8honey =)

Anonymous said...

ashwa madarast fel Kuwait :P

Im craving for winter tooooo.

J o u j a™ said...

God im dying,, i want the winter y9eer bsr3a ,, el 7ar yablna el shalal ;p
o 3a9eer kaifan dayman za7ma although wala mara sharbt shi 7elo 3ndhum ;p

q8Honey said...

zon: yeah u should!

p-ella: 3ad yalait 3ala shay sana3 ;p kila za7ma

journal entry: it's okay .. it's just juice bas ppl are just habba .. i went there cus it's close

dandoon: me too ;(

artful: I love all kinds of shoes .. doesn't matter whether it's flat or high heals .. ee marat i feel i want to be tall! ;D

g.q: yeah u're a lucky guy then ;p

jouja: kila a6lib the same juice .. bas na6rita 9ij ma tiswa ;p

Hashimoto said...

اففف كيفان ... الله يعينج .. صاحبي صارله يومين يروح من الخالدية لي هناك واخرتها ماكو دوام
الزحمة هناك تيييب الاحباااط

mo3ath said...

صعدي الدوار وفكي عمرج ، كانت دايما تشنص معاي واحصل مصفط احسن من مواقف الفرع :\

فورسيزن واقطع عند عصير كيفان :)

جربي وادعيلي :P