Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dude .. Ladies First!!!

Hey, I'm beginning to realize something here in kuwait, the "Ladies First Concept" doesn't exsist, most of the time ya3ny.. bas fe guys wallah 3al 3ain o il ras yi7tarmoon that rule ;p

I was walking with my friend S ray7een ta3baneeen 7adna, we wanted to sit on the bench awal ma il nas ily kanaw ga3deen mishaw, we were heading towards it shway o niga3ad wila iyiy wa7ed so faaaaaaast o ga3ad! 7ata ma iltifat 3alaina wala shay as if he didn't do anything wrong! ily 7awalaina kilhom 9ar feehom wtf?? wigafna ana o my friend imtan7eeeeen! Did he really just do that? yahaaal i7na wila shno??

I couldn't talk to him in person bas here's what i'm gonna say:

Ista7 3ala waaaayhik! banaaat yayeen yig3idoooon o thier feet tithbaaa7hom min il maaashy o thier cheeks 9ayreen so red min il 7ar! shlooon tig3ad o t6aaanish-hom! Not only did u not respect the concept of ladies first, you created a whole new level of meaness, you're mean!!


danaa said...

WOW ! what a gentleman !! 8S
men these days.. don't expect more

not all of them of cours
but that is just .. !!
man ! could he be more "childesh" ??

:@ !!

thnx for sharing thou

rencontrer Pauline said...

weeh mshkella fee guys hnee mo 3arfeen shloon e9eroon gentlman:X bs mara wela 9aret alf mara bl college t3rfoon el bab fee zejaj y3ny we can see each other, kella agool 7g rfshty dont open the door , let those guys open,some were opening while i was waiting and some not so what did was >>> a7esh weeh 6la3 hatha mo gentlman 3la 9oot 3ali :P:S 3ashan yet3lam mra el yaya o b3dain fee mnhom t3alemow walla , madre shgool ymken 3ashan mujtame3na mo nfs mujtame3 ajaneb y3ny mo kther enjabel m3a ryayeel wela ohma m3a 7reem faa ma y3rfoon shloon yt3ameloon u knw bs akeed lazim a7ad t3lamhom haaaw mo shayfeen aflam shloon ekoon gentlman mdam ohma dont read books :P cheeni m3a9ba bs 9j hatha elly sawa feech 7raka yabeela boxat !

Hashimoto said...

hatha malah 59 eb a7ad .. his vision is so narrow that he can't see beyond his feet ... lol
thank god i respect the concept "Ladies First" or i would be one of these childish-guys x)

Anonymous said...

well .. latez3eleen .. but .. ham may9eer just because u r a girl u take everything easily and not wait for tables and not stand up .. u r in Kuwait o kel mokaan za7ma ..mayseer a guy waits for an hour for a table and then just because u r a girl u come directly to the table and sit! .. it's not fair is it? .. ok ladies first when? ..passing the door .. allowing u to go forward .. start with something .. bs come one .. Im waiting online for an hour and u come take my place! .. thats not even fair! .. wella what do u think? :P

So maybe this guy had been waiting for a long time .. u didnt tell us the complete situation? :P

Bliss said...

yeah well, that concept doesn't exist in saudi either (some of them 6ab3an mo kilhm)
especially in elevators! WE'RE supposed to get off of it FIRST not them!!

Mar8adoosh said...

9ij ma yst7y !

ARTFUL said...

shofay q8honey

ana m3ach bhal rule.. bs 3ad
em9a5at..!!! etha 6aowafnakom gltao
yt7ailag .. o etha ma 6aowafkom gltao ma yst7ii!!!

b3d ham ma y9iir ana an6er sa3a o sa3tain 3lshan albnat yg3don.. 3ad t9adgin ana elli asaowih 7ag
al9bayan aswaih 7ag albnat a7trem alkel bnafs al6ariqa.. ella etha kan fi shay thani.. mthel .. mara chbirah 3ayoz.. ao 3ayla w7na shabab.. chthi ok .. bs yam3at
sa3alwah o bnat yayin ygzon la yuba
5alhom yn6ron lama t6ii7 rilhom ;p

b3dain laish ma tbon almsawat??!!

mo entao tbonha o t6albon fiha!! wlla 3la almshtaha??!!

mashkora ;p

q8Honey said...

dark d: 7adaaaa ;p

p-ella: chooood yit3alimoon min il movies ;p

akabane: 3ala rasy ;p

g.q: laaaaaaaaaa mo i7na naby il mokan 3ashan i7na girls! i7na ray7eeen 7ag il 6awla ib nig3ad 3alaiha! ya3ny we were so close to the bench! oho 6anashna o ga3ad gabilna shway o ygoool lina "nananana" ;s

bliss: 3indina o 3indich 5air ;p

artful: inzain ma gilna shay i7na.. bas ana atkalam 3an ily ysawe roo7a yaaahil o yarki'6 yig3ad bil kirsy china ygool haha 9ibagtkom! ba3dain fe shay isma i7tiraaam! adaaaab! ka il U.S feeha mosawaaa! shoof riyayeelhom shloon mi7tarmeen il mara! mo ihny .. ni'6amna itha mo 3ajbich rig3ay rasich bil 6oofa ;/

ARTFUL said...

la maho salfat rg3ay rasech b6ofa..

bs ehni fehm albnat ham 3away!!! 7sbalhon en 6wafnahom y3ni ga3d atmaila7!!! madri mn zinch.. m3 alwayh ;p

elli abi awa9la 5al t9ir 3n 6ib
5a6er.. mo y3ni ana bnt y3ni a6of o '3a9bn 3laikom!!! la mo lazm ana a6aofch etha abi .. o ana aqadrha!! y3ni ma y9ir ag3ad an6er sa3tain o yoon bkel brod shellat bnat bgzon a5alihom yg3don mkani o ana mnle6e3 9arli sa3a wagf!!!

b3dain e5thiha mn na7ya mn6eqyah laish mo entay tgolin li tfa'9al eg3ad estri7 hatha mkank o dork!!

o U.S 9ej lama tyi bnayah mthalan
3nd bab y5aliha td5al jedamah!! bsssss lo 9afin bdor kelna shabab o ehi tyi !! lazm t9f warana!! mo t5a6erna wala chenna fi 20 tais wagef!!!

wala fi sera 7ag alshabab o sera
7ag albnat!!!

wala fi amken bs 7ag al3a'elat
(al3ayla om o ebo o 3yal) bs lama eyon ym3at shbab ma yd5lon bs
ym3at bnaaat yd5loon!!!

wala fi U.S al'3ala6 3la alryyal o alrayyal ychtheb o almara ma tchatheb.. o fi omma 5air 5al alsher6i t'3ale6 3laih mara o ytelha mn eiidha yrakebha aldaoryah.. lanna lo bs tgol enna
t7arash fini bytwadar!!! 7ta lo tchatheb!!

kel hatha tsawoona 3ks al U.S bs ladies first tbon nafs'hom!!!

la sht'haitao .....!!!

q8Honey said...

marqadoosh: mashift ur comment sorry ;* eee wallah 7aqadt 3alaaaaaaih ..

artful: awal shay la 9arat salfat door o 6aboor akeed bin9if ya3ny .. shda3wa in5a6ir? nifham ina fee awlawiya o door .. o ba3dain lama wa7ed y6awef wa7da bil 3aks hatha yin7a6 3al raas ib9ara7a o yikbar ib 3ainy! o ib 3ain il banat .. shakoo yitmaila7?

thany shay .. i7na makina ingiz! yayeen min mo7a'6ara laih mo7a'6ara o 6ageen 6ireej o ta3baneeen yayeeen naby nig3ad oho mithil ily mit3amid ysaare3 3ashan yig3ad i3naad, ya3ny hathy qilat adab, il shabab ily wagfeen ingidaw 3alaaih!

thalith shay .. many mitkalma 3an il dawriya ;p

ARTFUL said...

ma7shoma ana ma aq9edkom lama glt bnat ygzoon!!

ana ga3d atkalam bshakel 3am.. walal agol ha9bay 9a7 elli saowah!! eho '3al6an o ma yst7i!! ham ga3d a'9reb mthal!!

o salfat a5ali bnt t6of jdami ok
5osh 7araka.. baaasss ma y3ni elli ma saowaha '3al6an o ma yst7i!! ok =)

o la tkalmain 3la aldaoryah 3la
ra7tch ;D

Anonymous said...

No sorry guys first :P

q8Honey said...

artful: bi5ti9ar ily ygool ladies first y9eer gentleman! so u guys have the choice .. mo bas wallah bnaya haha a6awifha ibkaify maby a6awifha ham kaify ;p

amu: lol you wish ;p

Dakhtour said...

Zain esawy el 9ara7a... Y3ny eb kel shy tbon musawat... ela hal shaghlat :)

ARTFUL said...

7sabtiih gentleman wella 3nd yaddi shda3wa hamni m3 alwayh ;p

q8Honey said...

dekhtour: hathy mafeeha mosawat :)

artful: waaaaiiiiy gimt itnarfizny tara ;p said...

انا لو كنت مكانه بقوم و بخليكم تقعدون بس بصراحة في ساعات اتنرفز من البنات و الهنود اللي يشوقون بالشارع...يعتبرون نفسهم ملكات الشارع لووول

الشارع مو لعبة فيها فيها اولوية و فيها حياة و موت....صح ليديز فرست بس مو بكل شي

Mabrrooka said...

eeeh ge6e3a enarfzoooon !! may7trmona ;P
chan ga3dtay entay o rfejtch o dazetooh :P

Anonymous said...

Thank you :) look at this emo boy one on this blog: