Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Miss YOU!!

All those years I've been listening to my parents say "Allaaah 3ala Ayam il Thanawiya". I would say to myself are you guys serious? HIGH SCHOOL?? The torture, the studying, the homework what's good in that? I was so eager to enter university! Loving the fact that I will have complete freedom and will be able to make my own choices and go on my own terms!

When I got a taste of that freedom, I Loved it! The first week, then the first month! And the whole first course.. It was heaven on earth, With the car and stuff.. Then I got bored ;s It was all catagorized under "RESPONSIBILITY" and that's not fun! It was all about making the right choices, doing the right things.. Then again I MISS MY HIGH SCHOOL YEARS!

I Miss ..
  • Running around the hallway without a hall pass
  • Writing our fake passes to the nurse
  • acting sick whenever we don't feel like going to"ARABIC CLASS"
  • Using the "Period" excuse not to play PE
  • Signing progress reports, and bad test scores
  • Ditching class, and hiding out in the basket ball court or mosque
  • "Miss Pleeeeeeeeaaaassssee don't give us homewok today!"
  • Lying to our foreign teachers about our culture, o insawe aflaaam
  • Setting a frog free in English Class
  • Getting a 6 paragraph essay on "ANIMAL RIGHTS" as a punishment
  • Detension, and ecaping them.
  • In School suspension! best punishment ever! we get to run around the school doing nothing ;D
  • Singing the national anthom in the morning! Then comes our Arabic teacher, saying crapy "hal ta3lam" stuff.

I Miss you my dearest high school ;**

What about you guys.. High school vs. University?


Seattle dude said...

I can pretty much confidently say that so far the time i spent during the university was the best in my life

rencontrer Pauline said...

3an el acting to skip class 7dda true:P

mmm kent a7eb highschool 3shan friends bs b3dain mn dsheet university ham gelt highschool bs b3ad chm fatraa 7bait unoversity more and plus I miss university yalla maleet 36la:P

Anonymous said...


la ye7ooosheeek

Meticulous said...

stresssss freeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!
waaaaaay thakarteeeeny eb ayaaaam!! aaaakh

Anonymous said...

you were a naughty student ;p

ARTFUL said...

ana bnsba li kel wa7da laha
7alat'ha.. ayama althanawyah
alsh6anah o alhalaga. ma yhmk lbsk wala sh3rk wala ay shay..
alshag7ah o lama tn7ash mn almadrsah tro7 alfr3.. laish madri chenna mafi jam3yat lama t5al9 mn almadresah.. bs 7alat'ha
b93obat'ha.. '3air t6fer almudares o t6ale3 3aina.. b3dain tro7 t7n
3la rasah estaaath 3a6ni darjat ;p

'3air alhoshat b3dain n9ir rab3 ma chenna shay 9ar.. l3b alkurah.. enshalla go6i cola fq9ah o y9ir kurah.. a7la shay lama y9ir ga9
7e9ah jmaaa3ii wlestath ma9ri ;D


bas ana 3shaqt aljam3a bsnat
ta5aruji kanat mn a7la snin 7yati

mn alent5abat.. o rb3i o aldkatrah.. kanat sna fa'6ii3aaa

y36ich al3afyah =)

Mar8adoosh said...

i prefer the no responsibility thing in high school bas university is fun akthar

outlaw said...

high school days are unforgettable :D but who know's maybe i'll miss my uni once i come back home for good

q8Honey said...

seatle dude: probably because it's not kuwait university ;D

p-ella: loooool ee ana ba3ad maait min il 3i6la! o maybe ma3a il wagt uni wil be better who knows ;D

q8loco: loooool

meticulous: tell me about it! i totally agree to the part about STRESS FREE

amu: kinda .. shi'3ly kan min ta7at laih ta7at :D

artful: loooooooooooool ee 3ad intaw sowalifkom '3air .. yimkin ana a3sgaqha ib sinat il ta5aroj m yindara ;p bas so far mo bal3at-ha

mar8adoosh: yeah i agree

outlaw: maybe ;D

MUSTANG said...

a7la ayam 3omry el thnnwyaa rab3e w ablaaty elli ywnsoon w el ga9 w el tzrg w ayaam el ent5abaat awns ayaam 7ad el est3baa6 w..w w..w.. 7adde a7bkom RAAB3II w thanwEETY;''***

MALAT 3ALA EL JAM3A:( thegt 5elg we3 ma7bhaaa yalla mta a5rj enshalla w aftaak:S

q8Honey said...

looooool mustang i agree!