As amazed, and angry as I am right now, I couldn't find any answers to my questions. Are we that shallow? And How did we become this way? Why do we judge people on how they look, or on what they wear, or what they have? How did this community change into judgment based on prestige, rank, and wealth? I know I'm asking too many questions, but I'm disgusted by the way most people think now a day in particular! Let me tell you the story behind all this..
As I was going to the tarawee7 yesterday, I wore my 3abat and 7jab and took a small bag that would carry my belongings such as mobile, wallet etc. When we arrived to the closest mosque to our house, I was amazed, well not amazed actually astonished with what I saw! Girls with full make up, 3abat imlawina alwaaan, swaroviski all over the 7jabaat not 9a6ra but three and four, girls wearing 5awaatim o accessories, Chanel, Gucci, Lv bags all over the place!
Come on people! 7ata bil masyad ilnas titshai7a6?! Yayeen ta3bidoon rabkom o titgariboonla wila tikshi5oon, o tgoloon ana 3indy? That's just sick..
Take Control Of Your Back Pain
3 years ago
nan agol enna tafkir alnas albsi6 elli mmkn yo9al lai darajta altafaha eho elli y5alina chthi.. alehtemamat altafha o '3aira.. o marrat alsebab menna.. lama ngol mula7'6atna 3la al9'3irah wlchbirah t5ali alnas t'3ayer mn nafs'ha '3a9eb..y3ni lama tyiin ya bnayah o tshofin rfijtch labsa shay 3adi tg3din tangdin 3laiha
6al3 shlabsa alhailgayah.. ra7
t5alinha '39b tehtam bhaswalef.. bas lo yshofon albnt mu5ha 3away
3adi kaifha wala yngdon 3laiha..
o tra ham alryayel bdao yhtamon bhaswalf.. sha3ri lbsi who mn
da5el 9fer!!!
tra 7lo alkash5a 7ag almasyad bs etha kant over 3ad hatha shay thani
hathol 3yal alyarmok shnsawi ;p
lam td5lin 3la my blog t6la3 lch alposts kelha??
ana t6la3 li al9af7a fa'ya!! madri laish!! lama ad5al 3la post (atom) t6la3 alposts!!! madri laish!!
ee hathy il mishkila! 9a7 7ilo il wa7ed yiksha5 7ag il masyad, 3abat zaina ree7at-ha zaina o lafa imratiba, mo make up o il looya ily sawooha!
Thany shay, ba3th il shabab allah yahdeehom ily hamat-hom hal sowalif hathail '3air, il ajanib la dashaw ilq8 o mishaw ib our malls they think we dont have straight men!
o a5er shay, ee ana ba3ad nafs il mishkila ma ashoof my newest post! lazim adish 3ala il edit post o 7ala, bas lama adish ur blog ashoof ur newest post
ana amon 3la blogi bs aham shay
al'9yof ;p
6al3t rassama shft filckr.. mashallah tbarak alra7man..
ana a93ab shay 3ndi aleiid!! as'hal shay alwayh.. 6b3an blkarkatair.. ma no9al mwa9ilch =)
o ashwah drait ench barcelonyah
3lshan ada7rch ;p m3 enna fariqi mo espani ;p
Astagfirulla...I have seen that doubt the most profit able business here is selling makeup :D
artful: looooooool ana wain o il rasim wain kint arsim now wagaft, kila bas sketches hatha 7ady. warna shi'3lik inta ba3ad! ana a7ib arsim il hands a7is feehom details! bas il characature mo wayid a3areflihom ;p bas 9ij warna shi'3lik .. o ya7ibkom 7ag limda7ar, laykoon chelsea? ;p
amu: LOL yeah lucky ppl arn't they!
well, such behavior is called "attention whorism" ....or as i like to call it anyway :P
shkelhom yaboon a7ad y56bhom :P
well i dont judge at what people wear and thinks well yea while they are wearing like this then thats how their personality is,ergh loca loca sympre :/
bs yetksha5on 3nd masyad shay 9ra7a man'6r mo2ref :S shako shako shako b'6b6 yt6ksha5oon :/ ergh some people!
and im back:P
enshalla a7aol arawikom..
bs tra 7aram twagfiiiin!!!
walla 3ndch mhara nammiha.. ana
mt7asef 3laich!!
la yuba la y7oshech englisi!!??
seattle dude: good way to put that ;D
P-ellah: welcome back sweety :D ee il'6ahir yaboon ywa9loon il msg ina shofoony o 5i6boony .. talk about being desprate ;p
artful: lol shasawe mako wagt! o ba3dain 9irt madry shfeeny la risamt ma ya3jibny shi'3ly o agi6a! .. lool itha mo chelsea zain ;p
aham shay !
this is getiing waay over
sick !!
thnx :D ee shfty shloon:P
Tell me about it ;/
lil asaf hatha 9ar tafkirna bil mujtama3 ily e7na feeh.. tafker sa67y lai ab3ad il7dood :|
mo bas sa67y, wain i7tiram il mokan ily ray7eenla? hatha masyad mo 3azeema .. thanks zamahreer
welcome to kuwait. this is what they're all about.. showing offf
sh7afana: lil2asaf! thanks :)
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